Great Grey Brew Co.

Craft Beer Brand

Brand Guidelines & Specialty Product Line

Great Grey Brew Co. is a fictional craft brewing company. The company is a woman-owned and operated business based out of Southern Ontario. Great Grey Brew Co. has made it their mission to broaden the industry’s audience by targeting a feminine market.

Brand Guidelines

It is a refreshing take on branding typically seen within the craft beer industry.

The brand is warm, bright, and inviting to suit the atmosphere the brewery intends to convey to their clientele.

3 Graces

Specialty Product Launch

3 Graces

The 3 Graces is a specialty product launch released to celebrate International Women’s Day, produced by the Great Grey Brew Co. brewery. The 3 Graces, displays the Greek Godesses of the same name, and all represent an attribute that empowers women.




Film Genres Typographic Calendar